In the aftermath of a devastating nuclear disaster, a family of three, headed by Leonora, struggles to survive in a world plagued by starvation. When they receive an invitation to a charitable event at a luxurious hotel, they see it as an opportunity for a glimmer of hope. Desperate for a chance at a better life, they accept the invitation and enter the hotel with trepidation.
Once inside, the family is thrust into a twisted and macabre game, where their worst fears come to life. People begin to vanish mysteriously, driven by sinister forces lurking within the hotel's walls. As the family navigates a nightmarish labyrinth of false appearances and deception, they must unravel the dark secrets hidden within the hotel to survive.
Kadaver is a gripping psychological horror film that explores the depths of human desperation and the lengths people will go to in order to survive. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the movie delves into themes of trust, sacrifice, and the consequences of unchecked power. With its haunting atmosphere and bone-chilling suspense, Kadaver takes viewers on a thrill ride that will leave them questioning the nature of humanity and the lengths they would go to protect themselves and their loved ones.
Also Known As:
CadaverRelease Date:
22 Oct 2020Writers:
Jarand HerdalAwards:
1 nomination