K-9 P.I. is a 2002 action-comedy movie that follows Detective Dooley, who is retiring from the police force after many years of service. As he contemplates his new life of leisure, he stumbles upon a robbery at a laboratory where microchips are being assembled. Dooley and his trusty police dog partner, Jerry, find themselves in a conflict with the burglars.
In the midst of the chaos, Jerry accidentally swallows one of the stolen chips, turning himself into a valuable target for the criminals. With their lives on the line, Dooley and Jerry team up to solve the case and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Filled with action-packed sequences and hilarious moments, K-9 P.I. offers an exciting blend of comedy and crime-solving. Viewers will be captivated by Dooley and Jerry's unique bond and their determination to outsmart the criminals.
Directed by Richard J. Lewis and starring James Belushi as Detective Dooley, K-9 P.I. is a thrilling and heartwarming film that showcases the loyalty and bravery of our four-legged friends. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of adventure as Detective Dooley and Jerry work together to crack the case and prove that heroes come in all shapes and sizes.
Don't miss K-9 P.I. on our streaming platform for a fun-filled and entertaining movie night.