Justified is a highly acclaimed crime drama series that aired from 2010 to 2015. Set in Kentucky, it follows the story of U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, a charismatic and determined lawman with his own unique code of justice. Givens returns to his hometown after being reassigned and quickly becomes entangled in the complex web of his turbulent past.
Haunted by his upbringing and strained relationship with his criminal father, Givens strives to maintain order and protect the innocent in his hometown. He soon finds himself facing off against various criminal elements, including old acquaintances and dangerous and unpredictable foes. Alongside the pursuit of justice, Raylan must confront his own personal demons and navigate through an ever-changing landscape of alliances and betrayals.
Justified is a gripping and character-driven series, expertly blending gritty crime elements with nuanced storytelling. The show delves deep into the moral ambiguity of its characters, questioning the nature of law and order while exploring themes of redemption, family, and the enduring allure of the criminal underworld.
With its richly developed characters and complex narrative arcs, Justified offers a compelling and atmospheric viewing experience. The show is known for its sharp dialogue, stunning performances, and tense action sequences that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Justified is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas seeking a captivating and thought-provoking series.
Also Known As:
JustifiedRelease Date:
16 Mar 2010Writers:
Graham YostAwards:
Won 2 Primetime Emmys. 11 wins & 76 nominations total