Julkalendern: Mirakel is an enchanting Christmas saga that follows the story of engineers Anna-Carin and Vilgot, who accidentally create an artificial black hole. The black hole unexpectedly crashes into the attic of an old manor, connecting the years 1920 and 2020. Mira, a resident of the manor in 2020, and Rakel, who lives in the same manor in 1920, discover the black hole at the same time and their souls are inexplicably swapped. Mira finds herself transported back to the year 1920, while Rakel is thrust into 2020.
As Mira and Rakel navigate their unexpected time-travel swap, they experience the joys and challenges of living in a different era. However, time travel is never without its complications, and they soon realize that their predicament is not easily resolved. With each passing day, Mira and Rakel embark on a journey to find a way back to their rightful time periods and reunite with their loved ones.
Filled with heartwarming moments, unexpected twists, and a touch of magic, Julkalendern: Mirakel is a captivating tale of friendship, love, and the power of Christmas spirit. Will Mira and Rakel manage to restore the balance of time and return to their own lives? Tune in to this mesmerizing Christmas adventure to find out.