Julia is a captivating and delightful biographical drama series that takes inspiration from the incredible life of the iconic television chef Julia Child and her groundbreaking cooking show, The French Chef. Known for her unique and charming personality, Julia Child revolutionized the world of food television, making cooking accessible and enjoyable for millions of viewers.
Set in the early 1960s, the series chronicles Julia's journey from a passionate and adventurous American living in France to becoming a culinary pioneer. Through her determination and unwavering passion for cooking, Julia rose to fame and left an indelible mark on the culinary world.
With a keen attention to detail, Julia beautifully recreates the enchanting world of 1960s France, showcasing the vibrant culture, sumptuous cuisine, and the challenges Julia faced along the way. The series also delves into her personal life, exploring her relationship with her husband Paul Child and their shared love for food and exploration.
Featuring outstanding performances and exquisite cinematography, Julia captures the essence of Julia Child's remarkable journey, highlighting her culinary expertise, infectious enthusiasm, and dedication to sharing the joy of cooking with audiences around the world.
Prepare to be inspired and entertained as you follow Julia Child's extraordinary life in this captivating series that pays homage to her culinary legacy and the enduring impact she had on the world of food television.
Also Known As:
JuliaRelease Date:
31 Mar 2022Writers:
Daniel GoldfarbAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award1 win & 10 nominations total