Jul med Ernst is a lifestyle series hosted by Ernst Kirchsteiger that focuses on preparing for a magical Christmas celebration. The show follows Ernst as he indulges in various activities such as crafting, cooking, and going on outings. With his expertise and wisdom, he offers valuable advice to create a truly special holiday experience.
In each episode, viewers join Ernst as he explores different aspects of Christmas preparations. From decorating the home with handmade ornaments to cooking delicious festive dishes, Ernst provides step-by-step instructions and creative ideas to inspire viewers. He also takes viewers on captivating outings to explore enchanting winter landscapes.
Throughout the series, the warm and cozy atmosphere of Christmas is emphasized as Ernst shares his knowledge and love for the holiday season. His passion for creating a harmonious and memorable celebration is contagious, and viewers are likely to feel inspired to try out his tips and tricks for their own festivities.
Whether it's learning to make traditional Swedish gingerbread cookies or creating stunning floral arrangements for the dining table, Jul med Ernst is a delightful and informative series that serves as a guide to a truly magical Christmas. So, grab a cup of warm glögg and immerse yourself in this enchanting show.
Also Known As:
Jul med ErnstRelease Date:
20 Dec 2008