In the year 2121, Earth has become a barren wasteland, forcing some fortunate individuals to depart the planet on a spacecraft known as the Ark. However, protagonist Max finds himself left behind, determined to find a way onto the Ark by any means necessary. Jordbundna is a groundbreaking Swedish Afrofuturistic movie that follows Max as he navigates a harsh, dystopian world, battling against formidable odds to secure his place on the life-saving spacecraft. As the last hope for humanity's survival lies in the hands of the Ark's passengers, Max's quest becomes increasingly perilous and unpredictable. Set against a backdrop of stunning visuals and innovative storytelling, Jordbundna explores themes of resilience, sacrifice, and the limits of human determination in the face of impending doom. Join Max on his epic journey as he challenges fate and confronts the harsh realities of a world on the brink of extinction in this gripping and thought-provoking sci-fi thriller.
Also Known As:
EarthboundRelease Date:
30 Jan 2021Writers:
Baker Karim