In the 1996 movie Joe's Apartment, Joe, a young man from Iowa, arrives in New York City in search of an affordable apartment. With limited funds, Joe lucks out and finds a place with incredibly low rent. However, there's a catch - his new residence is inhabited by a massive colony of 50,000 cockroaches.
As Joe struggles to adjust to his unusual living situation, he soon discovers that these pesky insects are not just a nuisance but also his unlikely allies. The cockroaches become Joe's support system and best friends, helping him navigate the challenges of city life. Joe's bond with these creatures grows stronger as they work together to overcome various obstacles.
Joe's Apartment is a quirky and comical film that showcases the importance of friendship and acceptance in unexpected places. It combines elements of comedy, romance, and musical numbers to create an entertaining and unique viewing experience.
Directed by John Payson, Joe's Apartment is a memorable and light-hearted movie that celebrates the power of unlikely friendships and finding joy in the most unconventional circumstances.