Jedi Junior High is a heartwarming and entertaining documentary that takes viewers behind the scenes of a unique production. In 2009, students from the Arts & Learning Children's Conservatory in Anaheim, CA embarked on an ambitious project: to create their own live musical parody of Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. Through interviews, rehearsals, and performances, the film offers a fascinating glimpse into the creative process of these young actors, artists, and musicians.
The documentary showcases the diverse group of students, each with their own talents and personalities, as they audition for roles and collaborate on bringing the iconic Star Wars characters to life. It also follows the guidance and support provided by the supervising adults throughout the production.
Jedi Junior High captures the magic and enthusiasm of youth, as well as the challenges and triumphs that come with tackling a large-scale production. The film highlights the dedication, passion, and teamwork that are required to bring a project of this magnitude to fruition.
With its blend of humor, music, and behind-the-scenes footage, Jedi Junior High is a delightful watch for Star Wars fans of all ages. Whether you're a dedicated enthusiast or simply appreciate the creative process, this documentary offers an uplifting and entertaining look at a group of young talents coming together to create something truly special.