In late 19th Century Hong Kong, while the British influence dominates the land, the pirates hold control over the waters. To combat this threat, the Coast Guard is reluctantly granted funds to fight the pirates. However, the pirates have corrupt connections within the government to hinder the Coast Guard's mission.
Dragon Ma, a dedicated Coast Guard officer, is determined to restore the reputation of his beloved organization. With unwavering resolve, Dragon and his fellow officers face numerous challenges in their attempt to eliminate the pirates. Their battles against the cunning pirates and their government allies become increasingly intense and action-packed.
As Dragon and his team work tirelessly to protect the innocent and bring justice to their waters, they encounter a wide range of thrilling scenarios. From daring chases on rooftops to breathtaking fights on moving vehicles, their courage and determination are pushed to the limits.
Throughout the film, Jackie Chan's trademark blend of jaw-dropping stunts and martial arts skills shines, captivating audiences with his high-energy performances. As Dragon Ma's mission becomes increasingly personal, the stakes rise higher, leading to a thrilling climax that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
Jackie Chan Project A is an electrifying action-comedy, showcasing Jackie Chan's prowess as a performer and his ability to seamlessly blend thrilling action sequences with comedic moments. This timeless classic is an absolute must-watch for fans of martial arts and adventure.