Jackass: The Movie (2002) introduces Johnny Knoxville and his wild group of friends as they bring their outrageous stunts to the big screen for the first time. In this hilarious and unpredictable film, the crew embarks on daring adventures across Japan, from causing chaos on a once peaceful golf course to dressing up as pandas and running wild in the streets. They fearlessly take on death-defying challenges, including daring stunts with live alligators, leaving audiences both thrilled and entertained.
This groundbreaking movie showcases the extreme, sometimes painful, and always hilarious antics that have made the Jackass franchise a global phenomenon. Johnny Knoxville and his pals put their lives on the line to deliver laughs and adrenaline-pumping entertainment. Prepare to be amazed and astonished as they push the limits of what is possible, all in the name of outrageous fun.
Jackass: The Movie promises a high-energy experience filled with jaw-dropping moments and plenty of laughs. Whether you're a dedicated fan of the Jackass series or new to their brand of madness, this film is a must-watch for anyone seeking excitement and gut-wrenching hilarity. Sit back, strap yourself in, and get ready for the ride of a lifetime with Jackass: The Movie!