Invincible is an adult animated series that takes inspiration from the popular Skybound/Image comic of the same name. The story revolves around a teenager named Mark, who happens to be the son of the most powerful superhero on Earth. Living in a world filled with extraordinary beings, Mark's journey to becoming a superhero himself is filled to the brim with coming-of-age moments, self-discovery, and intense action.
Mark's father, Omni-Man, has always protected the world from nefarious threats, and now it's Mark's turn to step into his father's shoes and carry on the legacy. As Mark embraces his newfound powers, he begins to understand the true nature of being a hero, uncovering the complex and often unforeseen consequences that come with the role.
Invincible offers a unique take on the superhero genre, delving into the challenges of balancing personal life, relationships, and duty. This gripping series explores universal themes like power, morality, and the weight of responsibility. With stunning animation and a star-studded voice cast including Steven Yeun, Sandra Oh, and J.K. Simmons, Invincible is a thrilling and thought-provoking journey that will captivate audiences.
Buckle up for an adrenaline-fueled adventure as Mark navigates his way through a world filled with superhumans, showcasing his growth and development as he becomes the hero he was always meant to be. Invincible is a must-watch for fans of action-packed storytelling and compelling character arcs.
Also Known As:
InvincibleRelease Date:
26 Mar 2021Writers:
Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley, Cory WalkerAwards:
5 wins & 11 nominations