Interrogation (2020–) is a gripping crime series that takes viewers on a suspenseful journey as they unravel a decades-old murder case. This non-linear show is centered around intense interrogations of various individuals who may be linked to the crime. With each episode shedding new light on the case, viewers are kept on the edge of their seats, eager to discover the truth.
The series delves into the complex dynamics between detective and suspect, exploring the psychological and emotional toll that interrogations can have on both parties. Through clever storytelling techniques, the narrative is presented in a non-linear format, allowing viewers to piece together the puzzle from different perspectives.
Interrogation stands out for its compelling performances, with a talented cast bringing their characters to life. As the series progresses, viewers are introduced to a diverse range of suspects, each with their own motives and secrets. The show also offers thought-provoking commentary on the flaws of the criminal justice system, challenging viewers to consider the consequences of wrongful convictions.
With its gripping narrative and compelling performances, Interrogation is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas. So, brace yourself for a thrilling ride as you embark on this haunting journey where every question counts, and the truth may not be as straightforward as it seems.
Also Known As:
InterrogationRelease Date:
06 Feb 2020Writers:
John Mankiewicz, Anders WeidemannAwards:
1 nomination