In the movie Insider (1999), a team of Swedish scientists, helmed by Anna Rosenberg, creates an innovative environmentally friendly car engine. However, their groundbreaking invention is jeopardized when the test results are leaked to the wrong individuals following a violent incident. Suspicion arises within the team as they question the presence of a mole working against them. As they race against time to uncover the traitor's identity and motives, the team must navigate a complex web of alliances and betrayals to protect their project and secure their future. Insider is a gripping suspense thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they unravel the mystery behind the sabotage. With tension building and stakes high, audiences will be drawn into a world of corporate espionage and intrigue, questioning who can be trusted in the pursuit of success. Explore the thrilling world of Insider and discover the secrets that lie beneath the surface in this riveting tale of deception and redemption.
Also Known As:
InsiderRelease Date:
15 Jan 1999