In the movie Incarnate (2016), a brilliant scientist named Dr. Seth Ember possesses a unique ability – he can enter the subconscious minds of individuals who are possessed by demons. When a young boy named Cameron becomes the target of a powerful demon with unprecedented abilities, Ember is called upon to save him.
But Ember's task is not as simple as it seems. Not only does he have to face the terrifying chaos of Cameron's subconscious, but he must also confront his own haunting past. As Ember delves deeper into the world of the possessed, he is forced to confront his own personal demons and the tragedy that brought him into this line of work.
With time running out and the demon strengthening its grip on Cameron, Ember must push himself to the limits to rescue the boy. Along the way, he realizes that he may be risking more than just his life – his very soul is on the line.
Incarnate is a gripping supernatural thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Filled with heart-pounding suspense and intense psychological battles, this film explores the depths of the human mind and the power of redemption. Will Ember succeed in saving Cameron? Or will the demon prevail, unleashing its evil into the world? Watch Incarnate to find out.
Also Known As:
IncarnateRelease Date:
02 Dec 2016Writers:
Ronnie Christensen