Inbred is a thrilling horror film set in the remote Yorkshire village of Mortlake. The story centers around four young offenders and their care workers who embark on a seemingly innocent trip to this quiet and secluded town. However, their visit takes a sinister turn when a minor incident with the local villagers quickly spirals into a demented and gory nightmare.
The movie explores the dark depths of human nature as the group finds themselves trapped and fighting for their lives against the twisted and inbred inhabitants of Mortlake. With blood-soaked scenes and a deliriously warped plot, Inbred delivers an intense and terrifying cinematic experience.
The film showcases the eerie atmosphere and isolation of the village, focusing on its inhabitants' commitment to secrecy and keeping outsiders at bay. As the young offenders struggle to survive, they must confront their worst nightmares in a battle against the deranged locals.
With its compelling storyline and haunting visuals, Inbred will captivate horror enthusiasts looking for a pulse-pounding and psychologically disturbing viewing experience. Prepare yourself for a journey into madness as you uncover the dark and horrifying secrets hidden within Mortlake's borders.
Also Known As:
InbredRelease Date:
21 Sep 2012Writers:
Alex Chandon, Paul ShrimptonAwards:
2 wins