In the Dark is a gripping and emotionally charged drama series that revolves around the life of Murphy, a young woman in her twenties who is blind. Known for her hard-living and hard-drinking lifestyle, Murphy's world takes a devastating turn when she discovers what she believes to be the lifeless body of her closest friend in the alley outside her apartment.
Driven by a deep sense of justice and propelled by her determination to uncover the truth, Murphy embarks on a relentless journey to solve the mystery surrounding her friend's death. Along the way, she confronts her own personal demons and grapples with the challenges that come with navigating a world designed for sighted individuals.
As the investigation progresses, Murphy finds herself entangled in a complex web of deceit, corruption, and danger. With her sharp wit, street smarts, and the help of her best friend Jess and a dedicated guide dog named Pretzel, Murphy unravels a series of shocking revelations that lead her closer to the truth.
In the Dark explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the power of determination. Filled with suspenseful twists and turns, this series will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover the secrets hidden in the darkness.
Also Known As:
In the DarkRelease Date:
04 Apr 2019Writers:
Corinne Kingsbury, Anna FisherAwards:
1 win