In i Dimman (2018) is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the blurred lines between memory, friendship, and sanity. Set on an idyllic island in the archipelago, the film follows four close friends from upper-class backgrounds – Krill, Kicki, Julle, and Baggy.
Five years after a traumatic car accident that they all experienced together, the friends reunite on Krill's family's island. Initially, everything appears to be normal, but Krill soon notices something off about Baggy's behavior. Baggy's strange actions cause Krill to question the person he thought he knew so well.
As events unfold, Krill's doubts deepen, and he becomes increasingly uncertain about his own memories, his friends, and even his sanity. The past begins to infiltrate his present reality, and a growing sense of unease takes hold of him.
In i Dimman weaves a complex web of intrigue and suspense as Krill becomes consumed by his obsession with understanding the truth. With atmospheric cinematography and a haunting score, the film delves into the darkest corners of the human mind, challenging viewers to question the reliability of their own memories and the nature of their closest relationships.
This atmospheric psychological thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat as it unravels the mysteries of the past, leaving you questioning everything you thought you knew.
Also Known As:
In i DimmanRelease Date:
14 Dec 2018Writers:
Anders Hazelius