In the animated film ID-0 (2017), Alliance Academy student Maya Mikuri finds herself embroiled in an unexpected and thrilling journey. While participating in a field exercise using I-Machines, advanced robotic suits used for exploration and excavation, Maya is thrust into a series of unforeseen events. As she navigates this new reality, Maya encounters challenges and encounters that test her skills and courage. The film explores themes of identity, technology, and the unknown as Maya grapples with the mysteries unfolding around her.
ID-0 showcases stunning animation and action-packed sequences that captivate viewers from start to finish. With a blend of sci-fi elements and intriguing character dynamics, the film offers a unique and engaging experience for audiences of all ages. As Maya delves deeper into the secrets of her surroundings, she uncovers truths that challenge her perception of the world and her place within it. Join Maya on her unforgettable journey in ID-0, where the line between man and machine blurs, and adventure awaits at every turn.
Also Known As:
ID-0Release Date:
09 Apr 2017