In the thought-provoking sci-fi drama I Origins, graduate student Ian Gray leads a research project with his colleagues Karen and Kenny, focusing on the evolution of human eyes. Set on the objective of debunking the creationist theory that eyes merely appeared instead of evolved, Ian's research takes him on a captivating journey that delves into profound personal and cultural ramifications.
As Ian's fascination with eyes intensifies, he embarks on a quest to uncover secrets and discover connections that defy conventional understanding. Along the way, he encounters a mysterious woman who seems to share an inexplicable bond with him and his work. This encounter challenges his scientific beliefs and draws him into unexplored territories, blurring the boundaries between science and spirituality.
I Origins is a deeply contemplative film that explores themes of evolution, fate, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. It raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of existence, challenging the audience's perspective on science and the mysteries that lie beyond its limits.
Through its captivating storyline and visually stunning cinematography, I Origins offers a unique blend of science fiction and philosophical exploration. It delves into the profound implications of scientific discoveries and the existential questions they raise, leaving viewers pondering the intricate relationship between science and spirituality. I Origins is a must-watch for individuals seeking intellectual stimulation and an immersive cinematic experience.