Hunters is a gripping and thrilling television series set in 1977 New York City. The story follows a troubled young Jewish man seeking revenge for the murder of his grandmother during the Holocaust. He becomes involved with a secret group of Nazi hunters who are dedicated to fighting against a cabal of high-ranking Nazi officials who are still hiding in plain sight.
Led by an enigmatic leader named Meyer Offerman, the group embarks on a dangerous and clandestine war to prevent the creation of a Fourth Reich. Together, they uncover a web of conspiracies and nefarious plots that threaten to plunge the world into darkness once again.
As the hunters investigate further, they realize that their enemies are not just German Nazis, but also American collaborators who are infiltrating positions of power. The series weaves together historical events and fictionalized accounts to create a thrilling narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Hunters explores themes of justice, revenge, and the enduring impact of the Holocaust. It delves into the psychological toll of seeking vengeance and the complexities of maintaining one's humanity while engaging in violent acts. The show features a diverse cast of characters who bring their own unique backgrounds and motivations to the fight against evil.
With its suspenseful storytelling, engaging characters, and thought-provoking themes, Hunters is a must-watch series that will leave audiences craving for more.
Also Known As:
HuntersRelease Date:
21 Feb 2020Writers:
David WeilAwards:
2 wins & 9 nominations