In the movie Homunculus (2021–), the story revolves around Susumu Nokoshi, a former employee of a prestigious foreign financial company who is now homeless. He spends most of his time in Shinjuku Park. One day, he encounters Manabu Ito, a medical school student searching for volunteers for an experimental surgical procedure called trepanation, which involves drilling a hole in the skull.
Although not initially interested, Susumu eventually agrees to undergo the trepanation surgery in exchange for 700,000 yen. After the surgery, Susumu notices a peculiar phenomenon. When he closes his right eye and looks at people with his left eye, he sees them with a distorted appearance. Manabu explains that this distorted visual perception stems from a deep-seated aspect of the mind.
Gradually, Susumu discovers that he can communicate with individuals who possess a dark side buried in their subconscious minds. Through his new ability, he delves into their hidden desires, fears, and secrets. As he interacts with these people, Susumu begins to unravel a bizarre and twisted world that exists within their psyches.
Homunculus is a gripping and thought-provoking film that explores the depths of the human mind and the darkness that resides within us all. Through Susumu's unique perspective, viewers are taken on a thrilling and unsettling journey that challenges conventional notions of reality and identity.
Also Known As:
HomunculusRelease Date:
02 Apr 2021Writers:
Hideo Yamamoto, Eisuke Naitô, Naruki Matsuhisa