In the animated film Home on the Range (2004), a group of farm animals embarks on a daring adventure to save their beloved home from foreclosure. When the farm faces financial ruin, the animals decide to take matters into their own hands by going on a bounty hunting mission to capture a notorious outlaw named Alameda Slim. Led by the optimistic cow Maggie, the misfit trio of animals including Grace the glamorous horse and Mrs. Calloway the matronly cow, set out on a wild and hilarious journey across the Wild West.
As they encounter various challenges and obstacles along the way, the animals must learn to work together and overcome their differences to achieve their goal. Filled with humor, heart, and catchy musical numbers, Home on the Range is a fun and entertaining film for the whole family to enjoy. Join Maggie, Grace, and Mrs. Calloway as they embark on a thrilling quest to save their farm and prove that teamwork and friendship can conquer any obstacle.
Also Known As:
Home on the RangeRelease Date:
02 Apr 2004Writers:
Will Finn, John Sanford, Michael LaBashAwards:
5 nominations