Home Economics is a heartfelt and relatable comedy series that follows the lives of three adult siblings as they navigate the ups and downs of financial security. Tom, Sarah, and Connor each find themselves living in different economic circumstances, which leads to both humorous and poignant moments.
Tom, the youngest sibling, is struggling to make ends meet and facing financial instability. He and his wife, Marina, are working hard to provide for their young children despite limited resources. On the other hand, Sarah, the middle sister, has achieved financial success as a high-powered lawyer. She enjoys a luxurious lifestyle and is often trying to keep up appearances. Meanwhile, Connor, the eldest brother, falls somewhere in between. He balances a comfortable middle-class existence while harboring some financial insecurities.
As the siblings navigate their divergent economic realities, they must lean on each other for support and understanding. Through the mix of comedy and drama, the series explores the impact of money and financial status on relationships, self-worth, and personal fulfillment.
Home Economics is a to-the-point and relatable exploration of the financial disparities that often exist within family units. With its engaging and diverse cast of characters, this series offers a compelling and entertaining portrayal of the challenges and triumphs of navigating financial security in today's world.
Also Known As:
Home EconomicsRelease Date:
07 Apr 2021Writers:
Michael Colton, John AboudAwards:
2 nominations