Home Before Dark is a captivating and suspenseful crime drama series that follows the journey of a young girl named Hilde as she unravels a cold case in her father's small lakeside town. Hilde, curious and determined, discovers clues that shed light on an unsolved mystery, and she is determined to uncover the truth.
Set in a picturesque setting, the series captures the essence of a close-knit community, and Hilde's investigations challenge the status quo and the secrets held by its residents. As she digs deeper into the case, Hilde's determination puts her own safety at risk, leading her to question everything she thought she knew about the town and even her own family.
With each episode, the suspense and tension build, drawing viewers deeper into the gripping storyline. The series explores themes of truth, justice, and the pursuit of uncovering hidden secrets. It showcases the bravery and intelligence of a young protagonist, inspiring audiences of all ages.
Home Before Dark expertly balances the mystery with relatable family dynamics, allowing viewers to connect with the characters on a personal level. With its intriguing plot twists and well-developed characters, this series promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats, eager to discover the truth behind the unsolved case.
Also Known As:
Home Before DarkRelease Date:
03 Apr 2020Writers:
Dana Fox, Dara Resnik