Home: Adventures with Tip & Oh is a delightful, family-friendly buddy comedy series that serves as a sequel to the 2015 animated film Home. The show picks up where the movie left off and follows the spirited human girl Tip and her upbeat alien friend Oh as they navigate their way through a wacky world where humans and aliens coexist. Together, they embark on exciting adventures that celebrate friendship, acceptance, and discovery.
Tip is a fearless and determined young girl who is intent on exploring the fascinating world she now shares with aliens. Oh, on the other hand, is an overenthusiastic alien who is constantly learning about human culture and trying his hardest to fit in. Throughout their journeys, they encounter a cast of hilarious characters and encounter various challenges that test their bond and resilience.
The series beautifully explores themes of cultural integration, diversity, and the importance of embracing differences. With its vibrant animation and heartwarming storyline, Home: Adventures with Tip & Oh is sure to captivate viewers of all ages. Join Tip and Oh as they embark on their unforgettable adventures and prove that friendship knows no bounds.
Also Known As:
Home: Adventures with Tip & OhRelease Date:
29 Jul 2016Writers:
Ryan Crego, Thurop Van OrmanAwards:
1 nomination.