In the animated film Home (2015), audiences are taken on a heartwarming journey as an alien named Oh, who is on the run from his own species, befriends a spirited young girl named Tip. Together, they embark on an adventure filled with humor and heart as they navigate obstacles and challenges. Oh may sometimes inadvertently complicate Tip's quest, but through their budding friendship, they help each other grow and learn valuable lessons along the way.
As Oh and Tip bond over their shared experiences and differences, they discover the true meaning of home and the importance of acceptance and understanding. The film beautifully captures the essence of friendship and belonging, appealing to viewers of all ages with its touching storyline and endearing characters. Filled with humor, suspense, and heartwarming moments, Home is a delightful tale that celebrates the power of friendship and the journey to find where one truly belongs.
Join Oh and Tip on their unforgettable adventure in Home, a charming and uplifting film that will warm your heart and leave you with a smile.
Also Known As:
HomeRelease Date:
27 Mar 2015Writers:
Tom J. Astle, Matt Ember, Adam RexAwards:
3 wins & 10 nominations