In this Halloween classic, Hocus Pocus (1993), Max Dennison, a teenager from Los Angeles, moves with his family to the spooky town of Salem. Max struggles to adjust to his new surroundings and The Salem witch trials, a significant event in the town's history, become his primary point of interest.
On Halloween night, Max, accompanied by his younger sister Dani and his crush Allison, explore an abandoned house rumored to be haunted by the Sanderson sisters, a trio of witches executed centuries ago. To impress Allison, Max recklessly lights the black flame candle, accidentally resurrecting the wicked witches.
Now, with the clock ticking and the witches intent on sucking out the souls of all the children in Salem, Max, Dani, and Allison must join forces to stop the sisters' evil plan. Along the way, they encounter hilarious and thrilling escapades, battling supernatural creatures and trying to evade the relentless witches.
Filled with enchanting performances by Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy as the hilariously wicked witches, Hocus Pocus is a delightful blend of comedy and adventure that has become a beloved Halloween tradition for viewers of all ages. With its captivating storyline and memorable characters, the film combines laughs, scares, and a touch of magic, making it a perfect choice for family-friendly Halloween entertainment.
Also Known As:
Hocus PocusRelease Date:
16 Jul 1993Writers:
David Kirschner, Mick Garris, Neil CuthbertAwards:
2 wins & 11 nominations