Hit-Monkey is an exhilarating animated series that takes viewers on a thrilling journey through the Tokyo underworld. Set in Japan, the series follows the story of a Japanese snow monkey who has been wronged and seeks revenge. Guided and mentored by the ghost of an American assassin, the snow monkey embarks on a mission to wipe out those responsible for his suffering.
As the series unfolds, viewers will be captivated by the dynamic relationship between the snow monkey and his ghostly mentor. Together, they traverse the dangerous and gritty criminal landscape of Tokyo, leaving a trail of chaos in their wake. With each target they eliminate, the snow monkey becomes more skilled and ruthless, ensuring no one is spared from his vengeance.
Hit-Monkey seamlessly blends elements of action, suspense, and dark humor, providing a unique and captivating viewing experience. The visually stunning animation brings the dark and gritty world of the Tokyo underworld to life, immersing audiences in its atmospheric and dangerous atmosphere.
Prepare to be enthralled by Hit-Monkey as it takes you on a gripping and action-packed journey through the criminal underbelly of Tokyo. With its compelling storyline, well-developed characters, and intense action sequences, this series is guaranteed to keep you hooked from start to finish. Don't miss out on this adrenaline-fueled animated adventure.
Also Known As:
Hit-MonkeyRelease Date:
17 Nov 2021Writers:
Josh Gordon, Will Speck