Hilda and the Mountain King is a captivating animated movie that follows the adventures of a brave young girl named Hilda. One day, Hilda mysteriously finds herself trapped inside a troll's body and must find a way to return to her human form and save her beloved city of Trolberg.
Throughout the film, audiences will be hooked as they witness Hilda's resourcefulness and courage in navigating the treacherous world of trolls. With her keen intellect and unyielding determination, Hilda must rely on her wits to unravel the mystery behind her predicament and find a way back home.
As Hilda and her loyal friends embark on a perilous journey, they encounter a variety of fantastical creatures and face daunting challenges. From breathtaking mountaintop vistas to deep, dark caves, the stunning animation brings this enchanting world to life.
Through its heartwarming storyline, Hilda and the Mountain King explores themes of friendship, identity, and the power of embracing one's true self. As Hilda fights against the odds to protect her city and restore her humanity, viewers will be inspired by her resilience and bravery.
Join Hilda on this unforgettable quest as she tackles obstacles, forges new alliances, and discovers the incredible strength that lies within. And in the end, witness the triumphant return of Hilda as she saves Trolberg from impending doom.
Also Known As:
Hilda and the Mountain KingRelease Date:
30 Dec 2021Writers:
Luke Pearson, Stephanie Simpson, Kurt MuellerAwards:
2 wins & 5 nominations