Hilda is an enchanting animated adventure series that follows the fearless and spirited blue-haired protagonist, Hilda. This brave young girl embarks on a journey from her beloved forest home into the town, where she seeks to forge new friendships and discover thrilling adventures. Along the way, Hilda encounters a world filled with magic and mysterious creatures—a blend of wonder and danger.
The series captures Hilda's courageous spirit as she fearlessly explores her surroundings, meeting fantastical beings who both intrigue and potentially pose danger. Through her encounters with these creatures, Hilda unveils the hidden secrets of her world and uncovers her own unique place within it.
With stunning animations and a captivating storyline, Hilda introduces viewers to a vibrant and imaginative universe. This family-friendly series is an ideal choice for those seeking an enthralling, action-packed adventure. From thrilling encounters with legendary beings to heartwarming moments between friends, Hilda promises a truly magical experience for all.
Join Hilda on her epic quest as she navigates the unfamiliar world beyond her forest home and unravels the mysteries that lie within. Buckle up for a thrilling and visually stunning animated series that will captivate audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
HildaRelease Date:
21 Sep 2018Writers:
Kurt Mueller, Luke Pearson, Stephanie SimpsonAwards:
Won 1 BAFTA Award11 wins & 8 nominations total