In High Potential (2024–), viewers are introduced to Morgan, a single mother of three who works as a cleaner for the police department. Despite her humble job, Morgan possesses a remarkable intellect that catches the attention of law enforcement when she discreetly rearranges evidence at the crime scenes she cleans. This unique talent allows her to help solve a complex crime, showcasing her extraordinary potential and resourcefulness.
As Morgan navigates her responsibilities as a mother and an unexpected crime-solving aide, viewers are taken on a suspenseful journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. The show delves into Morgan's personal life, exploring the challenges she faces as a working single mother while also highlighting her ingenuity and determination in aiding the police investigation.
High Potential (2024–) offers a gripping narrative that combines elements of family drama, crime-solving, and mystery, making it a must-watch for viewers seeking a compelling and engaging storyline. Join Morgan on her thrilling journey as she proves that intelligence and determination can lead to unexpected opportunities and successes.
Also Known As:
Wake Up with Dr. PhilRelease Date:
02 Apr 2024