In the action-packed film Hercules, the mighty Greek demigod faces his greatest challenge yet. After completing his renowned twelve labors, Hercules now leads a life as a skilled sword-for-hire. However, his abilities are put to the ultimate test when the King of Thrace and his daughter approach him for help.
The King seeks Hercules' assistance in overthrowing a brutal warlord who is wreaking havoc on their land. Eager to prove himself once again, Hercules assembles a team of fearless warriors to aid him in the battle.
As the warlord's forces grow stronger, Hercules must tap into his true heroism and unearth his divine powers to save the kingdom from destruction. Along the way, he confronts his own inner demons and struggles with his identity as a demigod.
Directed by Brett Ratner, Hercules is filled with epic battles, breathtaking fight scenes, and stunning visual effects. Dwayne Johnson delivers an outstanding performance as the fearless, yet vulnerable, demigod. With a thrilling storyline and captivating characters, this action-packed film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Experience the legendary tale of Hercules as he embarks on a journey of bravery, redemption, and self-discovery in this thrilling adventure.
Also Known As:
HerculesRelease Date:
25 Jul 2014Writers:
Ryan J. Condal, Evan Spiliotopoulos, Steve MooreAwards:
2 nominations