Hellion is a 2014 drama film that centers around thirteen-year-old Jacob, who is deeply immersed in the worlds of motocross and heavy metal. However, Jacob's increasingly delinquent behavior leads to the Child Protective Services (CPS) stepping in and placing his younger brother, Wes, into the care of their aunt. This turn of events forces Jacob and his emotionally absent father, Hollis, to confront the consequences of their actions and to make amends.
Driven by a desire to reunite their family, Jacob and Hollis must confront their own demons and take responsibility for their past mistakes. As they navigate the challenges of their strained relationship, they uncover the importance of taking care of each other and must find a way to bring Wes back home. The film delves into the themes of family, responsibility, and the complexities of love and forgiveness.
Hellion received critical acclaim for its powerful performances, compelling storytelling, and its exploration of troubled family dynamics. It offers a raw and poignant portrayal of a family in crisis, and highlights the transformative power of taking responsibility for one's actions. With its intense emotional journey and relatable themes, Hellion is a gripping drama that will resonate with viewers looking for a thought-provoking cinematic experience.