Hell on Wheels is a gripping drama series set in post-Civil War America. The story follows Cullen Bohannon, a former Confederate soldier haunted by the death of his wife at the hands of Union soldiers. Driven by a thirst for revenge, Bohannon embarks on a journey that takes him to the lawless and dangerous town known as Hell on Wheels, where the Union Pacific Railroad is being constructed.
As the series unfolds, Bohannon becomes entangled in the power struggles and conflicts that arise in Hell on Wheels. He clashes with Thomas Doc Durant, a ruthless businessman who will stop at nothing to achieve his ambitions. Bohannon also finds himself caught in the middle of a battle between the railroad workers and Native American tribes, further fueling the tensions and violence in the town.
Throughout the series, Hell on Wheels explores themes of justice, redemption, and the human cost of progress. Bohannon's quest for revenge evolves into a search for purpose and redemption as he grapples with his troubled past. The series also delves into the lives of the diverse characters who inhabit Hell on Wheels, each with their own agendas and struggles.
With its captivating storytelling, intense action sequences, and complex characters, Hell on Wheels offers viewers a compelling and gritty depiction of the challenges faced in the aftermath of the Civil War.
Also Known As:
Hell on WheelsRelease Date:
06 Nov 2011Writers:
Joe Gayton, Tony GaytonAwards:
Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 20 wins & 35 nominations total