Haven is a captivating supernatural drama series set in the coastal town of Haven, Maine. The town is plagued by a silent curse that lies dormant within its residents, known as troubles. These troubles can be triggered at any moment, leading to dangerous and often fatal consequences.
The series follows the life of FBI agent Audrey Parker, who arrives in Haven to investigate a murder case. However, she soon discovers that she has a deep connection to the town and its supernatural troubles. As Audrey delves deeper into the mysteries of Haven, she teams up with the local sheriff and the town's outcast to protect its citizens from the deadly effects of these troubles.
Each episode of Haven presents a unique and intriguing trouble that adds to the overall mythology of the series. From the ability to control the weather to the power of immortality, the troubles in Haven provide an enthralling and unpredictable storyline. As Audrey uncovers the secrets of her own past, she begins to realize that her presence in Haven may hold the key to ending the curse once and for all.
Filled with suspense, mystery, and compelling characters, Haven is a must-watch for fans of thrilling supernatural stories. Join Audrey Parker on her journey to unravel the secrets of Haven and protect its residents from the deadly effects of the troubles.
Also Known As:
HavenRelease Date:
09 Jul 2010Writers:
Jim Dunn, Sam ErnstAwards:
1 win & 17 nominations