In the animated film Monster Family (2017), the Wishbone family is portrayed as anything but happy. They have been struggling to maintain a strong connection with each other. In a bid to revitalize their relationship, the mother, referred to as Mum, devises a plan for a fun night out with her daughter Emma.
However, their plan takes an unexpected turn when they are cursed by an evil witch. As a result, the entire family is transformed into monsters. This unfortunate event puts a strain on their already fragile family dynamic.
Soon, they find themselves faced with unforeseen challenges that require them to work together to find a solution. Along the way, they encounter various fantastical creatures and embark on an adventure filled with danger and humor.
The film explores themes of love, acceptance, and the importance of family bonds. As they navigate their monster personas, each family member must learn to embrace their true selves and appreciate the unique qualities they possess.
Monster Family is a heartwarming tale that combines elements of comedy, fantasy, and adventure. It serves as a reminder that true happiness comes from being united as a family, regardless of one's external appearance.
Also Known As:
Monster FamilyRelease Date:
09 Feb 2018Writers:
David Safier, Catharina Junk, Benedikt Niemann