Hammer (2019) is a gripping and intense drama that follows the journey of a father who finds himself caught in a personal crisis. One day, he stumbles upon his estranged son, desperately trying to escape from a failed drug deal. This unexpected encounter triggers a series of events that forces the two men to confront their troubled past and face the consequences of their actions.
As they embark on a violent and perilous odyssey, father and son are forced to confront their own demons and grapple with complex themes of fatherhood, family, and fate. The movie delves deep into the complexities of their fractured relationship, exploring the profound impact that their choices have had on their lives.
Hammer is a thought-provoking exploration of the human psyche, presenting a realistic and raw portrayal of the fragile bond between a father and a son. The film's riveting narrative keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, painting a haunting and emotive picture of the characters' struggles and the harsh realities they face.
With its powerful performances and evocative storytelling, Hammer offers a unique and compelling viewing experience that will resonate with audiences long after the credits roll. Don't miss this gripping tale that delves into the depths of human emotions and challenges our notions of family and destiny.
Also Known As:
HammerRelease Date:
05 Jun 2020Writers:
Christian Sparkes, Joel Thomas HynesAwards:
1 nomination