Guest House (2020) is a hilarious yet chaotic comedy that follows a couple's dream of settling into their perfect home, only to be disrupted by an unexpected interference. The film revolves around a newly engaged couple whose lives take an unexpected turn when they discover that the previous owner's friend is still living in their guest house without their knowledge or consent.
As tensions rise, a wild turf war ensues as the couple desperately tries to regain control of their property and their lives. However, their efforts to evict the unwanted guest escalate, leaving a trail of destruction that threatens not only their house but also their marriage.
With the couple's once-happy lives spiraling into chaos, their dream home becomes a nightmare. The film explores themes of trust, love, and the lengths people will go to protect what's theirs.
Guest House promises plenty of laughs and outrageous moments as the couple battles against their unwanted guest. Filled with hilarious and relatable situations, the film will keep viewers entertained throughout as they witness the couple's struggle to regain their sanity amidst the chaos.
Join the couple on their journey of chaos and redemption in Guest House, a comedy that will leave you in stitches and questioning just how far you would go to defend your property and your relationship.
Also Known As:
Guest HouseRelease Date:
04 Sep 2020Writers:
Sean Bishop, Troy Duffy, Sam Macaroni (story by), Sam Macaroni