In the action-comedy film Grimsby, a highly skilled secret agent named Agent Sebastian (played by Mark Strong) is forced to team up with his long-lost brother, Nobby (played by Sacha Baron Cohen), a football hooligan from the town of Grimsby. After being separated for 28 years, the two brothers reunite in a hilarious and action-packed adventure.
Agent Sebastian is on a mission to stop a global terrorist plot, but he needs the help of his brother Nobby, who has information that could lead him to the terrorists. Together, they embark on a mission to save the world, encountering a series of outrageous and dangerous situations along the way.
As the brothers navigate their differences and the chaos they create, they must learn to trust each other and work as a team. With Nobby's lack of spy skills and Sebastian's determination to complete his mission, the duo's contrasting personalities lead to hilarious and unpredictable outcomes.
Grimsby is a hilarious and action-packed film that combines comedy and espionage. With its outrageous scenarios, unexpected twists, and a comedic performance from Sacha Baron Cohen, the movie provides an entertaining and lighthearted experience. Whether you're a fan of action films or enjoy a good comedy, Grimsby offers a unique blend of both genres.
Also Known As:
The Brothers GrimsbyRelease Date:
11 Mar 2016Writers:
Sacha Baron Cohen (story by), Phil Johnston (story by), Sacha Baron Cohen (screenplay by), Phil Johnston (screenplay by), Peter Baynham (screenplay by)Awards:
1 nomination.