In Greta, a thrilling psychological drama, a young woman named Frances McCullen finds a handbag on the subway and decides to return it to its owner, a lonely widow named Greta Hideg. This kind act leads to an unexpected friendship between the two women. However, as their bond deepens, Frances discovers Greta's dark and deadly agenda.
Starring Chloë Grace Moretz as Frances and Isabelle Huppert as Greta, this suspense-filled film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. With its clever twists and turns, Greta explores the terrifying consequences of trust and vulnerability.
Directed by Neil Jordan, known for his acclaimed thriller The Crying Game, Greta showcases his mastery of suspense and tension-building. The film's stunning cinematography and atmospheric soundtrack contribute to its gripping atmosphere, creating a spine-chilling experience for viewers.
As the story unfolds, Frances becomes entangled in a dangerous game with Greta, who proves to be far from the harmless widow she initially appeared to be. With her life at stake, Frances must navigate the treacherous and unpredictable mind of Greta to find a way out.
Filled with nail-biting suspense and outstanding performances, Greta is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers. Prepare to be captivated by this sinister tale of friendship turned deadly obsession.
Also Known As:
GretaRelease Date:
01 Mar 2019Writers:
Ray Wright, Neil JordanAwards:
2 wins & 4 nominations