Goodbye World is a thrilling post-apocalyptic drama directed by Denis Henry Hennelly. The movie follows a group of friends who seek refuge in their countryside cabin after a mysterious terrorist attack throws the cities into chaos. As they try to navigate the challenges of a world without electricity, running water, and communication, tensions rise and relationships are put to the test.
The story is centered around James and Lily, a couple who invite their friends to join them in their remote cabin. Each character has their own unique personality and background, adding depth and diversity to the group dynamics. As they struggle to adapt to their new reality, conflicts arise, secrets are revealed, and their loyalties are questioned.
Goodbye World offers a thought-provoking exploration of human nature in the face of adversity. The characters are forced to confront their own shortcomings and learn to rely on each other for survival. The movie raises questions about the fragility of social structures and how individuals deal with loss and isolation.
With its intense performances, atmospheric cinematography, and gripping storyline, Goodbye World captivates the audience from start to finish. It offers an emotional and suspenseful journey that challenges viewers to reflect on their own values and relationships. Don't miss this compelling and thought-provoking post-apocalyptic drama.
Also Known As:
Goodbye WorldRelease Date:
04 Apr 2014Writers:
Sarah Adina Smith, Denis Henry HennellyAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination