Good Witch is a heartwarming and enchanting television series that follows the story of Cassie Nightingale and her daughter Grace as they embark on a new magical journey. When Dr. Sam Radford and his son move in next door to Grey House, they are instantly captivated by the charm and mystique of Cassie and Grace.
As the series progresses, viewers will be treated to a delightful mix of romance, mystery, and supernatural events that will keep them on the edge of their seats. Cassie, with her intuitive abilities and magical touch, becomes a beacon of light in the community, always ready to lend a helping hand and offer sage advice.
Alongside Cassie's magical talents, Good Witch also explores the blossoming relationship between Cassie and Sam as they navigate the ups and downs of love. Their connection is deep and soulful, creating a heartwarming and captivating storyline that will leave viewers rooting for their happiness.
The series also focuses on the personal growth and development of Grace, as she navigates adolescence and discovers her own unique talents. Her journey of self-discovery is filled with relatable and poignant moments that will resonate with viewers of all ages.
Good Witch is a delightful and family-friendly series that will transport viewers to a world filled with magic, love, and self-discovery. With its captivating characters and enchanting storyline, it is sure to keep audiences enchanted from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Good WitchRelease Date:
28 Feb 2015Writers:
Craig Pryce, Sue TenneyAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations