Good Burger, a 1997 comedy film, tells the story of a likable but dim-witted teenager named Ed and his new coworker Dexter. Together, they embark on a mission to save the struggling Good Burger, their local burger joint, from being put out of business by the rival Mondo Burger, which has just opened across the street. As the charismatic duo faces hilarious and outrageous challenges, they must come up with a plan to keep their beloved establishment afloat.
Ed, a lovable and quirky character, brings his own unique flavor to the Good Burger team, despite his lack of intelligence. Dexter, on the other hand, is a straight-A student trying to make some extra cash during his summer break. Together, they form an unlikely but extraordinary partnership, determined to overcome the odds stacked against them.
Good Burger is not just a story about saving a burger joint; it is a heartwarming tale of friendship, loyalty, and the power of the underdog. Packed with side-splitting humor, endearing characters, and plenty of comedic mishaps, this film is a delightful nostalgic ride for audiences of all ages. Join Ed and Dexter on their hilarious adventure as they prove that sometimes, the greatest victories come from the most unexpected places.
Also Known As:
Good BurgerRelease Date:
25 Jul 1997Writers:
Dan Schneider, Kevin Kopelow, Heath Seifert