Good Boys (2019) follows the misadventures of three naive 6th grade boys who find themselves in a series of hilarious and chaotic situations. Max, Lucas, and Thor decide to skip school one day and soon find themselves entangled in a wild journey. Unbeknownst to them, they have unwittingly stolen drugs and are now being pursued by a group of teenage girls.
As the boys desperately try to return the stolen drugs, they encounter numerous obstacles along the way, including bullies, frat boys, and even a police officer. With each misstep, their situation becomes increasingly complicated, and they must rely on their wit and resourcefulness to stay out of trouble.
Meanwhile, their goal remains to make it back home in time for a highly anticipated party. With every twist and turn, the boys learn valuable life lessons about friendship, trust, and the consequences of their actions.
Good Boys is a hilarious coming-of-age comedy that explores the awkward and often cringe-worthy experiences of adolescence. Filled with memorable characters, laugh-out-loud moments, and heartwarming friendships, this film guarantees a fun-filled and entertaining experience for viewers of all ages.