Gomorrah (2014–2021) is a gripping crime drama series that delves into the dangerous underworld of organized crime in Italy. Set in the heart of Naples, the show follows Ciro, a man who defies tradition and aims to rise to the top of his crime syndicate.
As Ciro embarks on his quest for power, he becomes caught in a treacherous internal struggle within the organization. Loyalties are tested, alliances are shattered, and trust becomes a luxury that can't be afforded. With each move Ciro makes, the stakes are raised higher, putting not only his own life but also the lives of his loved ones in grave danger.
The show is an intense portrayal of the brutal realities of the criminal world, where violence and corruption reign. It offers a gritty and raw depiction of the various factions that make up the syndicate, their power dynamics, and the consequences of crossing boundaries.
Gomorrah is known for its realistic and gripping storytelling, drawing inspiration from the real-life criminal activities in Naples. The series offers a profound exploration of the human psyche and the lengths people are willing to go to attain power and protect their families.
With its compelling characters, intricate plotlines, and stunning cinematography, Gomorrah captivates viewers from start to finish, leaving them eagerly awaiting each new episode. Prepare to immerse yourself in the dark and dangerous world of organized crime in this critically acclaimed series.
Also Known As:
GomorrahRelease Date:
24 Aug 2016Writers:
Leonardo Fasoli, Stefano Bises, Roberto SavianoAwards:
9 wins & 2 nominations