Glitch (2015–) is a captivating Australian supernatural drama series that follows the life of Sergeant James Hayes, a police officer in the small town of Yoorana. Everything changes for James one night when he is called to the local cemetery and makes an astonishing discovery – six people have mysteriously emerged from their graves in perfect health.
As the perplexed sergeant begins investigating this inexplicable phenomenon, he realizes that these individuals have no recollection of who they are or how they died. Determined to uncover the truth, he embarks on a journey that reveals dark secrets and challenges everything he thought he knew about life and death.
Throughout the series, Glitch delves into the lives of these resurrected individuals as they reconnect with their loved ones and attempt to regain their identities. The show also explores the complex emotions and moral dilemmas faced by the living characters, including James, as they grapple with the implications of this strange occurrence.
Filled with suspenseful twists and turns, Glitch not only delves deep into the mystery of how and why these people have returned from the dead, but also explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the fragility of life. With its compelling storyline and strong performances, this series keeps viewers hooked as they uncover the secrets of Yoorana and the true nature of this extraordinary event.
Also Known As:
GlitchRelease Date:
15 Oct 2016Writers:
Tony Ayres, Louise FoxAwards:
5 wins & 11 nominations