In the movie Gladiator (1992), Tommy Riley, a young teenager, moves to Chicago with his father after leaving their previous comfortable life behind. Tommy is a reserved and introverted student who prefers to keep to himself. However, his life takes an unexpected turn after he gets involved in a street fight that catches the attention of underground boxing promoters.
Tommy is quickly drawn into the gritty and dangerous world of illegal underground boxing, where the fights are brutal and the stakes are high. As he navigates this new world, Tommy faces numerous challenges and encounters various characters, both allies and adversaries.
The movie explores the themes of morality, loyalty, and the lengths one is willing to go to survive. Tommy's journey in the underground boxing scene forces him to confront his own inner demons, make difficult choices, and ultimately discover who he truly is.
Gladiator is a gripping and intense drama that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats. With its captivating storyline, well-developed characters, and intense fight sequences, this film offers an immersive viewing experience. It is a must-watch for fans of action-packed sports dramas.
Also Known As:
GladiatorRelease Date:
06 Mar 1992Writers:
Djordje Milicevic, Robert Mark Kamen, Lyle Kessler