Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce is a captivating and relatable dramedy series that follows the journey of Abby McCarthy, a renowned writer of self-help books. Set in Los Angeles, the show presents an honest portrayal of a woman in her 40s who is concealing her impending divorce from her husband while attempting to embrace her newfound single status.
As Abby navigates the complexities of her personal life, she finds solace and guidance in the company of her divorced friends. This leads her to question the advice she receives from her married friends and embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery.
Throughout the series, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions as Abby encounters unexpected and life-changing experiences. From exploring the world of online dating to rediscovering her passion for writing, Abby's journey is filled with bittersweet moments, laughter, and heartfelt revelations.
Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce offers a refreshing and realistic portrayal of the challenges faced by women in their 40s while navigating divorce, friendships, and reinventing themselves. With its engaging storyline, stellar performances, and witty dialogues, this series is a must-watch for anyone seeking entertainment with a touch of relatability. Don't miss out on following Abby's empowering journey as she turns her life upside down and discovers new possibilities.