Gigantosaurus is an exhilarating and thrilling animated series that follows the exciting adventures of four young dinosaur friends. The group embarks on an exploration to uncover the mysteries surrounding Gigantosaurus, the most formidable and colossal dinosaur of all time. This magnificent show is based on the beloved book by Jonny Duddle.
Each character brings their unique personality traits, fears, and strengths to the group dynamic. Throughout their journey, they learn to overcome their individual fears by supporting and working together, exemplifying the power of teamwork. These brave youngsters face numerous challenges and solve captivating problems, captivating audiences of all ages.
The series takes viewers on awe-inspiring quests as the friends uncover the secrets of the gigantic and fearsome Gigantosaurus. While adventure and excitement abound, the show ensures it balances this with humor and warm-heartedness, creating a heartwarming experience that appeals to both children and adults.
With stunning animation, engaging storytelling, and lovable characters, Gigantosaurus promises an enchanting viewing experience. Join this intrepid group on their thrilling escapades as they showcase the power of friendship, resilience, and determination. Gigantosaurus is a must-watch animated series that will capture the imagination and hearts of all dinosaur enthusiasts!
Also Known As:
GigantosaurusRelease Date:
18 Jan 2019Writers:
Franck Salomé, Nicolas Sedel, Fernando WorcelAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations